Etherboot.org hardware issues
Marty Connor
2011-01-28 11:53:39 UTC
Hello Everyone,

This is a brief message to let you know that we are working on getting
etherboot.org and rom-o-matic.net back up as soon as possible.

Over the years we have been fortunate to have so very little downtime,
and we have made sure that we do nightly backups so that we can recover
from problems. Our data and history are secure.

Thanks to those of you who have offered support to help us get things
working again. It means a lot to me.

We're working with the great folks at http://osuosl.org/ (who rock!) and
who host our servers to help us migrate onto new hardware.

I'll keep you updated on how things are going. Feel free to ask
questions and offer ideas, and let's talk.

I remember a time before rom-o-matic.net, and before we had so many
users and services. This downtime has reminded me how far we've come
over the 11 years since I joined the project, and how fortunate we are
to have each other.

Let's take this time to reflect, as we find our way forward.

With a grateful heart,

/ Marty /
